
DVC® Innovations Spotlighted at GV-Solas Conference in Mainz, September 2023

DVC® Innovations Spotlighted at GV-Solas Conference in Mainz, September 2023
// 9 August 2023

Mainz, 6-8 September 2023 - The upcoming GV-Solas conference is set to cast a spotlight on the revolutionary contributions of Digital Ventilated Cages (DVC®) technology, promising exciting insights into animal management and research.

Evaluierung eines Digitalen Käfigsystems by V. Neuert Session G11 - Herausforderungen im Tierhausmanagement

  • Date & Time: Friday, 8th of September, 9:50 am.
  • Room: Gutenberg B.

Delving into the potential and intricacies of digital cage systems, V. Neuert’s presentation focuses on the evaluation and applications of the DVC method in modern animal management.

Discovering Stress-Free Biomarkers in Several Mouse Models via DVC Technologies by S. Gaburro, M. Rigamonti, D. D. Pollak, G. Rosati, T. Hager Session G01 - Tiermodelle

  • Date & Time: Friday, 8th of September, 10:40 am.
  • Room: Watfordsaal.

An insightful collaborative session unveils the transformative power of DVC in detecting stress-free biomarkers in mouse models. This presentation emphasizes the evolution of Tiermodelle (animal models) through advanced DVC technologies.

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