Unlocking Novel Preclinical Biomarkers in Cancer Research with Tecniplast's DVC®" In the recent groundbreaking publication in Cancers 2023, Stéphane Terry, Céline Gommet, and their team have highlighted the transformative potential of Tecniplast's Digitally Ventilated Cage (DVC®) in oncology studies. Their research, "Activity in Group-Housed Home Cages of Mice as a Novel Preclinical Biomarker in Oncology Studies," underscores the DVC® technology's capability to detect 'signs' and associated ethical endpoints, emphasizing its immense benefit to animal welfare. This continuous monitoring in group-housed home cages of mice offers a novel preclinical biomarker, setting a new paradigm in cancer research. Dive deeper into their findings and discover how DVC® is reshaping the future of preclinical oncology.