A real interesting Live Webinar on InsideScientitific Platform, titled “Improving Animal Model Translation, Welfare, and Operational Efficiency with Appropriate Housing and Infrastructure Design” has been presented on Inside Scientific Platform (https://insidescientific.com), a modern and dynamic platform with information for life science researchers. Resources include educational webinars, in-lab workshops and training programs, laboratory protocols, application notes and more.
The webinar, sponsored by Tecniplast, hosted 2 experienced opinion leaders in each other's specialties, John Hasenau, DVM (Scientist) and Jeffrey Zynda, Architect. They considered practical options for housing and infrastructural designs to sustainably improve animal welfare, data reporting and reproducibility through the use of new technologies used by academia, pharma and CROs to acquire animal activity data. They presented examples of the practical application of digital information across a global organization and within a unit, and its effects on study reproducibility, on scientific results for PIs and on lab animal facility management. Differences in cage components, housing density, cage changing frequency and best practices have been be considered in the context of animal model development, physiology and behavior.
Key topics included:
• A review of recent housing and equipment developments that improve repeatability and rigor of the data reporting
• The impact of environmental conditions on animal research models
• Next-generation strategies to maximize laboratory space efficiency, flexibility and productivity
• The value of digitalization from an architecture point of view in a LAS Facility
• Strategies to select the right equipment for your research objectives
Didn't you have a chance to watch it? No problem, If you did not have the opportunity to participate you can access off line to the Webinar. To register to the webinar click on this link: https://onlinexperiences.com/Launch/QReg/ShowUUID=9834DFFF-8591-4C33-9932-541A45F79C7F&AffiliateData=TPweb